10 Model Railroad Scenery Tips
For Planning Building A Layout
One of the biggest hobbies
around the world is model railroading. No matter what size or gauge or scale,
be it the popular HO scale, OO gauge, or smaller N scale, you will no doubt
enjoy model railroads.
Trains are iconic to the
history of the United States and especially in the 1950’s through the late
1960’s model railroading was over the top in popularity.
There are some basic model
railroad scenery tips that will help you to create the most realistic and
impressive model train layout. Follow these tips and your trains will not
derail, stop or chug erratically. Here are just a few:

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1. If you are a first timer
keep it simple. Don’t make your first train layout too complicated with multilayered scenery,
tunnels, waterfalls, trees, structures, animals and people. Scale it down a little and decide
on just 2 or 3 simple scenery items such as a small hill, a bridge or railroad trusses and a
building or maybe two. That would be the very most I would try the first time out. I would also
recommend you buy your structures the first time out. You will be busy enough with the
2. Find a plan for the layout
of your tracks and draw that plan onto your base with a pencil. Now take corkboard and lay it
where your tracks are going. Nail it down on the outer edges. Do not lay your track at this
3. Test your track design
before you make it permanent. Layout your tracks along the corkboard and try it out. Make sure
your train never derails, glitches, or stops. If it all works, remove the track from the
4. Keep all your scenery time
and place specific. Decide before you begin what scene you are depicting. If you are doing the
California Gold Rush of the 1940’s don’t put a car from the 1950’s in the scene or a modern
bulldozer. Make sure everything in your scene is consistent.
5. Whatever the scale or gauge
of your trains are, that is the scale that all your scenery needs to be. Do not vary or deviate
from scale. This is an absolute must. If you choose to use some structures or trees that are a
different scale your layout will not be at all realistic. It will be disjointed as
6. Make sure your scenery and
your structures are weathered if your time era is anything other than today. Even the trees and
landscape for a 1930’s scene need to look like it looked in 1930. Use the internet and the
library and be sure your scenery is weathered.
7. Use dark paint or chalk on
the space between your train
tracks. This area of the ground in real life gets very dirty almost black from the
heat, soot, and oil from the train. Put a few small pinhead sized darks pebbles on there as
8. Add lights or curtains or
even people to the interior of your structures to make your layout more
9. Being faithful to your
scene, time era and place, add animals to the scenery. Just a dog or a cat can make a big
difference along with a few people. Don’t overdo it with either the animals or the humans, but
don’t leave them add. They will add realism and emotion to your layout.
10. Once you have all your
scenery made and painted, but before you attach the structures and trees, bushes etc., attach
your track. Attach the track on the corkboard you laid earlier. First put glue on the corkboard
and press your track onto it. Wait for it to dry and your track to be firmly attached before
adding any other elements.
Following these easy model
railroad scenery tips will lead you to produce a great track layout whether it is your first
time or your hundredth.
How to make model railroad
Model railroad scenery
Model railroad tunnels
Scenery themes
Model railroad bridges
Miniature scenery
LED railroad signals
Track wiring